Featured Prompts

Featured Prompts

Featured Prompts

Featured Prompts retrieve custom BetEdge.AI data. Simply type in prompts like “Show Me The Money!” for top picks or "Where My Dogs At?" for the underdogs.

Hot Prompts

Hot Prompts

Hot Prompts

Hot Prompts are the week's top hottest prompts asked by users. Simply click on a Hot Prompt to get fast answers to the most popular prompts. 1 credit each.

Featured Prompt:
Show Me The Money!

Featured Prompt:
Show Me The Money!

Featured Prompt:
Show Me The Money!

Every time you ask or click on the prompt button “Show Me The Money” BetEdge AI will show you 5 of the best picks from our custom picks algorithm. More than a dozen picks a day.

"Straight Up" Prompts

"Straight Up" Prompts

"Straight Up" Prompts

Straight Up are prompts that get to the point. Straight up ask whether you should bet on a game:

ie. Should I bet on the Chiefs against the Colts on Sunday?

General Prompts

General Prompts

General Prompts

General Prompts are questions about any game or bet.


What are the odds in the Steelers game tonight?

Featured Prompt:
Where My Dogs At?

Featured Prompt:
Where My Dogs At?

Featured Prompt:
Where My Dogs At?

*DMX VOICE* Click on the prompt or ask “Where my dogs at?” to get the top underdog bets of the day.

More Info


BetEdge AI can talk to you and offer you betting tips. Simply ask any question related to sports. Be specific.

For example:

- Should I bet on the Eagles on Sunday?
- What are the odds for the Yankees vs Angels game tonight?
- Is betting on the Lakers against the Bulls tonight a good bet?


Take advantage of BetEdge AI’s featured prompts. We will be adding new prompts regularly, plus showcasing special prompts for events such as the Super Bowl.

Featured prompts cost 5 credits.